Friday, January 06, 2006

Celebrity sighting part deux

It seems this blog has acquired an official celebrity stalker, who will be referred to as "Max Power". Max does not have the balls to use his real name, but I'll let that slide because he gives me good celebrity sightings. Anyway, today he saw:

Steve Harvey and his two sons(?) eating delicious toasted subs at the Quizno's on 34th and Madison - without a word spoken between them. Apparently the Original Kings of Comedy tour didn't pay all that well. Or Mr. Harvey just can't get enough of those toasted subs.

Who can get enough toasted subs, honestly? And when you're eating toasted subs, there is no time for talking.

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Celebrity Sighting

I never see celebrities, but sometimes my friends do:

Spotted: Failed Vice-Presidential Candidate, and DC heartthrob, John Edwards, riding the up escalator at the Time Warner building at Columbus Circle. He was walking and talking with a young, suited, pimply faced man – which was apparent next to the smooth skin, million watt smile and impeccably combed hair of the fair Mr. Edwards. EDWARDS 2008!!!

UPDATE: I failed to credit Max Power with this sighting. My apologies, Max.

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

More actors/rock stars featured in designer clothing ad campaigns

Since we're all so celebrity obsessed, designers have been turning to popular actors and musicians more and more to sell their clothes. Most recently, Hallee Berry signed on to lead an ad campaign for Versace and Meg White will be featured in Marc Jacobs' ads. Times must be hard in professional model-land when Meg White beats you without even one trip to a tanning salon.
[The Bosh]

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Denise Richards & Charlie Sheen are officially (finally) over

Since Richards filed for divorce back in March, 2005, they seemed to be working on their marriage and Sheen was even seen sporting his wedding band. Unfortunately, however, it seems their efforts to reconcile were fruitless, and Richards is moving forward with the divorce proceedings. Well, at least they tried.


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Lindsay Lohan is out of the hospital & not pregnant

After spending a little more than 3 days in the hospital, Lindsay Lohan was released today after suffering from a severe asthma attack. In addition, The Insider says it has information that the pregnancy test Lohan's assistant was seen bringing to the hospital was not for Lindsay, but someone in her "camp."

[The Insider]

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Cruise-Holmes wedding off?

Apparently Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' wedding may have hit a snag during the holidays. Tom and Katie went to Katie's parents' home in Ohio over the holidays, possibly in an attempt to convince Katie's parent, who have been opposed to their marriage, that they can be a big, happy family. It must not have worked though, because the tension between Katie's parents and Tom apparently reached a breaking point, resulting in Tom and Katie tearfully leaving Ohio three days ahead of schedule. Someone who says they are a friend of the couple told Life & Style magazine that the wedding might be on hold for now. So, fake relationship & real drama or fake relationship & fake drama?


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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Queen Latifah gets a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Although her recent films have not exactly been award winning, I can't help but love this big Jersey lesbian. She's awesome as a rapper and an actress (remember Living Single?) and she always comes off as truly self-confident, which in Hollywood is rare and often replaced by ego and self-importance.

I know I'm kind of singing her praises hard core right now, but I just think it's great that she feels comfortable with herself and lost weight sensibly and had surgery that made sense (she had her breasts reduced from I think a DD to a C) and didn't resort to gastric bypass like that heifer Star Jones in order to feel better about herself. Anyway, I think it's great that she's officially made it in Hollywood.

[ABC News]

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Star Jones bathing suit pics

Be warned.

WTF? Um, is this part of her plan to un-gay him?

More pics after the jump

Check out the awesome inner thigh cottage cheese in the first pic. Nice!


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Lindsay Lohan admits bulimia & drug use

Sometimes miracles really happen in Hollywood.

By now we all know that Lindsay Lohan was admitted to a hospital on Monday after suffering a severe 'asthma' attack. It is, of course, debatable what she was actually hospitalized for and where her mysterious asthma came from. But in more interesting news, People magazine reports that when the new issue of Vanity Fair hits newsstands today, we will all be treated to far more intriguing news about Lindsay.

According to People, Vanity Fair does an interview with Lohan and she reveals that she has struggled with bulimia and touches on the issue of her drug use. She also discusses her personal relationships; with her parents, Wilmer Valderrama, and Jared Leto.

I really have to hand it to Lindsay for going on the record with her problems and being pretty upfront about it. That takes balls.

Read more from after the jump.

UPDATE: So, I tried to find the new Vanity Fair today and didn't see it anywhere, and just now on Entertainment Tonight they said the issue would be out next Tuesday, so maybe it did not come out today.

While Lindsay Lohan, admitted to a Miami hospital Monday night after suffering a severe asthma attack, is now "resting comfortably," a source close to the actress tells PEOPLE, an explosive interview with the Mean Girls star is set to hit newsstands Wednesday, lifting the curtain on her self-confessed bulimia, drug use and emotional wreckage over her relationships with her volatile father and her first boyfriend, Wilmer Valderrama.

"I was sick," Lohan, 19, admits to Vanity Fair magazine, according to excerpts published in the New York Post. "I had people sit me down and say, 'You're going to die if you don't take care of yourself.'"

In solving her bulimia, she credits Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels with staging an intervention after she hosted the show. "I just started bawling. I knew I had a problem, and I couldn't admit it," Lohan says. "I saw that SNL after I did it. My arms were disgusting. I had no arms."

Of her look, which she says scared her when she saw photos of herself: "My sister, she was scared. My brother called me, crying."

She also says that she used drugs "a little," then quickly adds: "I've gotten that out of my system. ... I don't want people to think that I've done ... you know what I mean? It's kind of a sore subject."

The Post reports that Vanity Fair was contacted by Lohan's publicist to try to have the references to drug use removed from the story.

In her romantic life, she confesses to smothering Valderrama and pushing their relationship to the brink, because "I didn't have anyone (else) to go to" with all her problems, including those with her father, currently serving jail time for assault on a family member.

Regarding reports of a relationship with Jared Leto, all she tells Vanity Fair is, "We're great friends."

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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Confirmation that Paris Hilton is, in fact, a liar and a whore

Here is more reason to be totally grossed out by Paris Hilton. Paris is currently defending a $10 million slander lawsuit brought against her by ex-fiance Paris Latsis's ex, Zeta Graff. It came out in Paris's testimony that she falsely planted a story that claimed Graff attacked her in a London club. Hilton's former publicist made sure he stayed 10 feet away from the lie and is apparently in the clear since it was Hilton herself who intentionally spread the false rumor.

And you thought it wasn't possible to despise her more.

[Page Six]

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Blind items

These are pretty good. The first is from Page Six the second is from Gatecrasher (last item on the page), check out comments and guesses on A Socialite's Life.

Which young Tinseltown temptresses can't seem to resist the lure of Bolivian marching powder? We are hearing so many reports these days of pretty young things dabbling in disco dust that we've made a list, which includes: a model, supposedly free of her drug woes, back on the powder, doing lines at Teddy's in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel; a stick-thin celebrity, going through a rough time, who is turning to blow for comfort; a soon-to-be single sweetheart being turned on to the drug by her new Hollywood pals; and a social climber who is friend/supplier/fellow user to them all.

Which fading pop crooner who still "hasn't found the right girl" picks young gentlemen out of the audience for post-show parties in his dressing room?

I take a stab at a couple of these after the jump.

UPDATE: I was totally stumped by the "social climber who is friend/supplier/fellow user to them all" item. I went searching on some blog comment pages, and the one that makes the most sense to me is Caroline D'Amore, seen here in pics with Paris Hilton and here with Lindsay Lohan. She's definitely a hanger on....

A stick-thin celebrity, going through a rough time, who is turning to blow for comfort. My guess is Nicole Richie.

A model, supposedly free of her drug woes, back on the powder, doing lines at Teddy's in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel The obvious choice is Kate Moss, but maybe Naomi Campbell...there are so many to chose from.

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Cute. But why?

For some reason there are scientists being paid to get to the bottom of what makes something cute. Even more ridiculous than that - the NY Times' weekly science section made it this week's feature story.

What possible scientific purpose could there be for determining exactly which physical features make something cute, and why people react the way they do to cute? Do scientists plan on making a cute pill or a cute implant/injection, which people would be able to use on their kids or something? I'm a little unsettled by this.

And also, I loved "March of the Penguins", I mean, those penguins really are super cute, but I still don't understand the Panda obsession. I think they have a dumb animal look that I find not to be cute (which might explain my feelings on Kirsten Dunst).

[NY Times]

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Monday, January 02, 2006

Link time

The holidays are over. Tomorrow you'll be back at work. Here are a few links to help you through this difficult time.

An impressive chronological list of 2005's celebrity hookups.
[Glitterati Gossip]

Nicole Richie is seriously starting to make MK Olsen look like Star Jones.

Angelina Jolie having a non-third world baby, grown in her own womb? It's really starting look that way.
[Perez Hilton]

Michael Moore is making a top secret documentary about corruption in the medical/drug field.

Here is a more complete definition of Popo Zao and some lyrics (!) from KFed's song.
[Just Jared]

Keifer Sutherland's 24 character, Jack Bauer definitely deserves to be angry and let out his aggression in whatever fashion he deems appropriate. The actual Keifer Sutherland, however, probably went a bit out of bounds with his drunken Christmas tree destroying antics.
[Just Jared]

Singer, and I guess now actress, Avril Lavigne is set to appear in the movie version of "Fast Food Nation."

Project Runway spoiler!! Guess who will be the socialite the contestants will be designing for this week?

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Popo Zao review

Although I consider myself generally unqualified to review music, I think I have enough musical sense to come out and state that Kevin Federline's single, Popo Zao, is a steamy pile of Poopoo Zao. I downloaded it for free on Acquisition legally purchased it on Yahoo Music and I think it sounds like the product of a couple of country high schoolers playing around with a beat machine and placing sparse, poorly thought out lyrics over it.

Kevin Federline has set rap music back about 3 murder acquittals and has perhaps permanently ruined any future opportunity for white rappers or celebrity husband rappers to legitimately enter the music world.

Shame on you, Kevin Federline.

P.S. Popo Zao apparently is a Portuguese slang term meaning big, juicy booty. I must have skipped that day in Portuguese class.

P.P.S. I'd like to remind you all again that this album cost one million of Britney Spears' dollars to produce. They might have to do another Chaotic to recover the cost.

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Masturbators notwithstanding, I'd take the Q over the F any day

Thank God 2005 did not end without public masturbation on the Q train, accompanied by overzealous rider vigilantism.

Last Thursday, a Gothamist reader riding the Q train spotted a man in the act of pleasuring himself. This brave New Yorker confronted the masturbator by yelling across the train (there were other people in the car) that he could see that he was masturbating and was going to call the police. The masturbator then politely stopped and muttered a strange defense of his actions - something about how hard it is for a black man to get "sucked off" because the world is overrun with white and Latina bitches. Someone send this man a link to craigslist!

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What celebrities did over the New Year's weekend

Britney took Sean Preston out to dinner with her. It's good to see she dressed up in her best mommy sweater for the occasion.

[Perez Hilton]

Jennifer Aniston was with her gigantic rebound man, Vince Vaughn in Bakersfirld, CA, where Vince was performing a show on his "Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show" tour.

[Perez Hilton]

Ashlee Simpson was in beautiful Maui with her boyfriend, but without Jessica, who was trying to keep a low profile this New Year's, and probably instead spent a quiet evening in her new Beverly Hills mansion with CaCee & Joe, practicing her heartbroken, collagen pout.


I really wish Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson had called me to let me know they'd be in New York for New Year's. I totally would have invited them over to watch Bollywood movies. Maybe next year.


And Lindsay Lohan was in Miami hosting a private dinner party and soaking up some sun.


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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Flavor Flav is in the house in '06

Happy 2006 everyone! I hope you rang in the new year with the people you love, or at least some people you sort of like plus enough cocktails to make it not matter. For me, 2005 ended with the NY Giants clinching the NFC East, and 2006 began with some pretty awesome people I don't see as often as I'd like, and a 3 AM screening of pure Bollywood awesomeness.

VH1 kicked off the new year with a brand new Celebreality show starring America's favorite old school rap accessory, Flavor Flav, in his very own Bachelor-esque competition called "The Flavor of Love." If you have a strong enough stomach, I recommend watching this bad boy every week. In case you missed it, here are some highlights from the first episode:

We were introduced to the women who will compete for Flavor's heart. From what I can tell, VH1's selection process consisted of the producers getting a giant lobster net, driving through Newark and sweeping up the 20 girls who seemed most likely to pass a drug and/or AIDS test.

From the onset, Flavor set the skank standard by declaring that since remembering all of their names would be beyond his mental capacity, he would instead assign them nick names (all of which, by the way, he thought of himself on the spot, which I thought was impressive for a man whose creative streak ended in about 1991 and was replaced with straight out crazy) they will carry the entire time they are on the show. The names range from Picasso to New York to Pumkin (spelled as accurately as Flavor could manage).

One thing I can say about the contestants on this show is that they all seem to be pretty much equally matched in skankiness and their desire to be on television doing just about anything. Picasso, whose hobbies include painting, writing, and masturbating, wants to win Flavor's affection because he reminds her of her father - they are both loud and have gold teeth. Goldie described the competition as a ghetto prom. Oyster, who appears to be a professional dominatrix, says she is trying to set a world record for wearing red. She has worn red every day for six years. Flavor reacted by exclaiming, "That shit is crazy weird!" He said this while wearing an enormous clock around his neck, a Viking hat, and flashing a mouth full of gold teeth.

Anyway, Flavor eliminated five pretty forgettable skanks on this episode. It's unclear how many skanks will be eliminated on each of the future episodes. In Flavor's version of the Rose Ceremony, skanks who "know what time it is" receive a giant clock necklace and stay in the competition. Skanks whose "time has run out" get a one way Greyhound ticket back to Newark and maybe a departing boobie fondle from Flavor.

As I'm sure you can tell, this show is fucking platinum. Sunday nights at 10.

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