Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Is it my imagination or does this baby look stoned?

Contact high? He's also not wearing shoes, but in his family shoes are optional when going outside.
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Britney Spears pregnant, but not with David Letterman's baby

One thing about me is I am in constant need of a celebrity fetus to monitor. Katie Holmes kept me occupied for like 10 months, and thank God Britney's got me covered for at least another 5 or 6! She confirmed her second pregancy on The Late Show with David Letterman. I knew she wasn't just fat!

Now, let's discuss this. How did Britney go from being the biggest pop star on the face of the plant to being in a constant state of pregnancy? Did I miss the memo? Are she and K-Fed devout Catholics? And someone please send this man's sperm to a medical lab where it can be examined, and the root of its super potency can be determined. Four kids at 28? Seriously? Does he plan to sell them as slaves later on?
[Wash Post]
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UPDATE: Video is after the jump

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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Celebrity Sighting (possibly)

So, on Cinco de Mayo I was standing outside El Maguey y la Tuna on Houston & Attorney, when I spotted a super skinny girl with a mohawk. Turns out it was Naima, winner of America's Next Top Model's 4th season. The problem is I'm only pretty sure it was her. It could have been her twin sister. Does her twin have a mohawk too? Hmm....

Anyway, I believe celebrity stalker Max Power has a sighting he'd like to submit. I'll post that as soon as I can.

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Paris Hilton: Heiress/actress/whore/singer

I stopped laughing just long enough to post of a link to Paris Hilton's leaked single "Turn You On." I mean it's not too horrible considering it's Paris fucking Hilton. Don't get me wrong, this shit is BAD, but it could have been a whole lot worse. Enjoy.

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