Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Blind items

These are pretty good. The first is from Page Six the second is from Gatecrasher (last item on the page), check out comments and guesses on A Socialite's Life.

Which young Tinseltown temptresses can't seem to resist the lure of Bolivian marching powder? We are hearing so many reports these days of pretty young things dabbling in disco dust that we've made a list, which includes: a model, supposedly free of her drug woes, back on the powder, doing lines at Teddy's in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel; a stick-thin celebrity, going through a rough time, who is turning to blow for comfort; a soon-to-be single sweetheart being turned on to the drug by her new Hollywood pals; and a social climber who is friend/supplier/fellow user to them all.

Which fading pop crooner who still "hasn't found the right girl" picks young gentlemen out of the audience for post-show parties in his dressing room?

I take a stab at a couple of these after the jump.

UPDATE: I was totally stumped by the "social climber who is friend/supplier/fellow user to them all" item. I went searching on some blog comment pages, and the one that makes the most sense to me is Caroline D'Amore, seen here in pics with Paris Hilton and here with Lindsay Lohan. She's definitely a hanger on....

A stick-thin celebrity, going through a rough time, who is turning to blow for comfort. My guess is Nicole Richie.

A model, supposedly free of her drug woes, back on the powder, doing lines at Teddy's in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel The obvious choice is Kate Moss, but maybe Naomi Campbell...there are so many to chose from.


Blogger HappySam said...

HI I run http://hotcelebfemales.blogspot.com/
and was wondering if you were intrested in a link swap

January 03, 2006 12:49 PM  

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