Friday, June 09, 2006

Kevin Federline is spending it while he's got it

Could someone be more white trash than Kevin Federline? This piece of work has allegedly been filling out credit card applications all over town before he splits with Britney and suddenly goes back to being unworthy of even a Stop & Shop card.

Seriously! Take a look at this asshole!

In other news: I'm really making an effort to like pickles. I ate like a half of one yesterday. I hate feeling like the only person in America who doesn't like pickles.
[Female First]

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Paris Hilton's new music video

Click here to see it.

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Monday, June 05, 2006

Paris Hilton smoking pot

So TMZ has this video of Paris Hilton pulling up to a club smoking something and acting all sketchy about it. The video is here. Hilton's publicist had the following to say regarding the video: "I just want to get something clear with you. Paris Hilton rolled her own tobacco cigarettes. It was tobacco that you saw." I also would like to get something clear. Paris Hilton absolutely does not roll her own cigarettes. That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard in my life. She is not a cowboy and is not concerned with the high price of regular cigarettes. Paris Hilton was smoking pot in a car as she was approaching a gang of paparazzi. She is a dumb pothead. Case closed.

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What would I have to do

To shut Elizabeth Hasselbeck up? I guess I'm not really offended by the incoherent conservative bile constantly spilling from her mouth, but I would just rather not hear it while I am trying to not look at Star Jones directly in the face. One of them Both of them have to go.

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Britney finally divorcing Kevin?

Has the spell Kevin Federline cast over Britney Spears finally worn off? Some tabloids are reporting Britney has already signed preliminary divorce papers and is having her lawyers push the divorce along, despite being five months pregnant. It seems possible. Kevin has been MIA lately and we all know that isn't because he's so busy being a rap star. Also, Britney has been looking happier and less sloppy lately. These are all good signs that Kevin is about to buy a one way ticket back to Fresno. He better buy it before Britney cuts off his credit cards.

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Blind items

I always wonder how true these blind items are because the celebrity behavior in them is always so absurd. Anyway, these are juicy:
WHICH super-skinny celeb says she wants to gain weight but can't? Seems that when she was not so thin, she had her stomach stapled and is stuck with her skeletal look...WHICH Hollywood starlet, who's earned a rep for sleeping with almost anyone, is now into threesomes? She likes to get it on with two guys at once in club bathrooms...WHICH young, divorced celebrity left her man because she thought she had found true love with someone else? Sadly, the guy she had an affair with freaked out when she left her husband for him and hasn't called her since...WHICH actress is so desperate for male attention, she's been known to turn into a "psycho-stalker?" After her last one-night stand, her conquest, whom many assumed to be gay, said he couldn't get rid of her.

Hmmm...the obvious guess for the skinny celeb is Nicole Richie. She is super skinny and also crazy enough to staple her stomach. She probably used the same doctor who stapled DJ AM's stomach.

That second once could be literally half of Hollywood. Your guess is as good as mine, but let's just say it's, I dunno, how about Michelle Trachtenberg. I just have a feeling she is a total ho-bag.

The divorced celebrity... I guess Jessica Simpson, because I really can't think of anyone else.

So many desperate actresses. Man that could also be anyone. I want to say Teri Hatcher, because of the whole Ryan Seacrest thing. I guess it could also be Tara Reid, because I can't think of anyone more desperate any sort of attention.

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

That bitch Star Jones

Yeah, I know I have no good reason to hate her with such passion. She never did anything to me personally. I just don't like her. Anyway, I am not exaggerating when I say every day when I come home, the first thing I do is scan all the gossip blogs to check if something horrible has happened to her. Did she officially get canned from The View? Did Al leave her for another man? I just sit around all day waiting for her world to unravel publicly! I just had to get that out in the open. It feels better to say it out loud. I hope she gets eaten by a bear.

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