Saturday, March 04, 2006

Exclusive blind item

I've had a very good past couple of days for first hand celebrity gossip. This one is particularly juicy, and not like I think anyone's lawyer is actually reading my blog, but I'm going to keep this shit anonymous just in case. Here we go. Which world famous, championship-winning basketball player has to shell out some serious hush money to a former groupie who is now carrying his illegitimate child? He's so eager to put this potential time bomb to rest that he didn't even bother with a paternity test!

My "insider" says of the baby-mama, "[She] does clerical stuff at her workplace, but her real profession was groupie. Her goal this time was to get pregnant via an athlete. She used to live in Virginia and hang with the Redskins. Then when that didn't pan out, she moved to [mystery b-ball player's city], where [mystery b-ball player] saw her outside the stadium and invited her into his limo (by rolling down a window). Before she found out she was pregnant, she was hanging out with the Jets [in New York]."

I'll tell you a couple things: The player in question plays for neither the Knicks nor the Nets. He's a BIG star, so even if you don't watch basketball, you'd almost certainly recognize his name. It's not Kobe Bryant (I think he was scared sober from his last run-in with a groupie). Last clue - he's got a pretty squeaky clean image (as far as pro basketball players are concerned).
Send me your guesses
and I'll tell you if you're close.

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Celebrity Sighting X3!!!

My life is boring. I never, ever see the famous people I spend so much time reading and writing about. I'm not exactly sure what I need to do to start brushing shoulders with Hollywood's glitterati, but some of my friends do (thank God!), and Alicia had the most amazing multiple celebrity sighting recently with potentially more celebrities in the immediate vicinity:
Last night, we went to the Back Room, which is in the Lower East Side and owned by Tim Robbins. It is located at the back of some scary alley, but inside its a nice swank, "speakeasy" where they serve cocktails out of tea cups and beer from paper bags (which I guess is what they did during prohibition?).

Anyway the important part is that around 12:30 or so, a group of us are sitting at the back of the bar. Our table is next to a bookshelf that is really a door that opens into the "secret" VIP room. VIP= famous people. Last night, going in or out of the secret room I personally, with my own eyes saw: Julia Stiles (really short in person); Tim Robbins (freakishly tall in person) and Don Cheadle!!! I know it's not very "New York" but I get so excited when I see a famous person.

The bouncer, who sort of stalked us all night long, claimed that Kirsten Dunst and Joaquin Phoenix were also back there, but Patrick and I think he might have been confused.... Bouncer also says that Tim and his famous peeps usually come every Thursday. Looks like I have a new Thursday bar.

Hmm...on Thursday night I was having too many margaritas on the Upper West Side with zero celebrities (but one awesome law student).

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Flavor of Love on MySpace

Um, yeah, so you can thank me later, but I stumbled upon Pumkin from Flavor of Love's MySpace page, and even better, her MySpace blog. All I have to say is you better clear your calendar before clicking on that link, because you will be provided with hours of entertainment. Not from her page alone, but all the other Flavor of Love skanks' MySpace pages. Basically, every single last one of them is an "actress/model" and they are all totally capitalizing on the skanktastic publicity they got from playing tongue hockey with Flavor Flav. It is truly distasteful, yet the best thing on the internet.

Anyway, here is one juicy highlight from Pumkin's blog:
Ok . . . so as most of you know, I was eliminated last night from Flavor of Love. I know . . . so sad :-( Anyway, this is really what went down that night. My mom came and met Flav and told him that I had been on game shows and dating shows before. Big surprise, huh? I mean, after all, the producers knew about every girls past experience on tv and each one of us have definitely been on something before! So, I was pissed because Flav was calling me out when he already knew what was up. I mean how can Flav sit there and question my intentions . .. look at his track record. Surreal Life, Strange Love, Flavor of Love . . . all reality shows, hmmm? I was pissed because he was being a hypocrit in my eyes. I was telling him that he had a pot of gold left and a pot of shit left and I hope in the end he goes with the pot of gold. New York butted in saying her usual and for me to go get a face lift. Well, I just did what everyone else wanted to do and wanted to see. So, I spit in her face. No, she did not hit me. No she did not really push me. My clutzy ass tripped over the rug in my high heels. Regardless of what happened, the bitch deserved it and the show went on. So, please understand that I am not a bad person . .. I am normal and when people press your buttons sometimes you do things out of character. However, I have absolutely no regrets!
Much Love, Pumkin

I've put in friend requests for about five of the skanks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an "add" as it's called on MySpace.

Rain (in case you don't remember, she was eliminated close to the beginning - she seemed genuinely into Flavor and almost got into a fist fight with New York) says on her MySpace page that there is going to be a Flavor of Love reunion. It filmed on 2/28 and she's not sure when it's going to air. That is going to be the best reunion show ever aired on television. Even better than this one. I seriously can. not. wait.

And just to make sure you don't do any more work for the rest of the week, check out the pics on the Flavor of Love blog (obviously unofficial).

{Click here for more}

No, I can't stop yelling, 'cause that's how I talk!! Ain't you ever seen any of my movies?!

What up son?! Do you know what today tomorrow is?! Do you?! It's opening night for "Dave Chappelle's Block Party!!!" Mmmm mmmm, bitch! "Dave Chappelle's Block Party!" Good motherfuckin' choice, motherfucker!

Here are a couple pics from the premiere:

Um, WTF is going on with Erykah Badu? Doesn't it look like Dave is holding her up? Did she confuse this with Dave Chappelle's Pot Party?

What???!!!!!!!! Yeeeeeeah!!!!

I wonder if The Roots ever get mad that ?uestlove always steals the spotlight. I mean, he's the drummer for Christ sake.

Talib doesn't look too high here. His eyes look a little red though.

[DCBP Review-NY Press]
{Images Source}

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Is Lance Armstrong a creep?

I know Lance Armstrong is some kind of bicycling God or something, but I think this whole called off engagement thing with Sheryl Crow is just too shady. First of all, it all came very all of a sudden without any rumors of them fighting or drifting apart or any of the other stuff you'd expect to hear before a celebrity couple breaks up. And they were all gung ho getting married and in love very soon before they announced the split.

Now, I have to be upfront here. I always thought Lance Armstrong was kind of creepy. Obviously I do not know what factors contributed to him divorcing his wife. I'm sure it was a very emotional time, what with the surviving cancer and being the fastest bicycle rider guy in the whole world and all. I just thought it was shady that he left her after she supported him through his hard times. It just seemed like as soon as things started to look up for him, he abandoned his wife and his kids and that is not that cool with me.

So when I found out that Sheryl Crow has cancer, I really thought Lance Armstrong was the king of shady behavior. Come on! How can you leave your fiance (who is like 50 or something and not getting any younger or more likely to snag a husband) when she has cancer?! Fucked up, no? Yes, Lance Armstrong is fucked up.
[Armstrong backs Crow's cancer fight]

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Whitney Houston pregnancy rumors

Ok, I'm going to get right to it. Lots of rumors, etc. to update on, although nothing seems soooo juicy, which is part of the reason I have not felt compelled to update the blog. Anyway....

Let's start with the most fucked up, but probably untrue rumor: Is Whitney Houston pregnant again? The rumor started when Bobby Brown did an interview with some magazine none of us have ever even heard of. He told the magazine that Whitney was at home "resting up." He also alluded to he and Whitney's desire to have another child saying, "I'm hoping that she's pregnant right now."

Look, folks, I'm not exactly sure how this turned into a rumor that Whitney is pregnant. It doesn't seem like a logical conclusion to me, but I guess everyone loves a train wreck, so people will believe what they want. Obviously "resting up" means she is in a constant drugged-out stupor; and the whole "hoping she is pregnant right now" business was an attempt to squash the divorce rumors.

While we're talking about Whitney, did you see her perform at the Olympics? I know this is old news, but seriosuly, I almost cried! I guess I always though not matter how cracked out she got, she would always have the same great voice, but man was I wrong!
[Open only if you are willing to lose your faith in Whitney] Thanks to Alicia for the link.

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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Who the F%#*& will win Flavor of Love

Guys, it's seriously killing me. It's coming down to the very end!! I'm so excited, and nervous, and all sorts of emotions wrapped up in a bunch. I'll try to do a Flavor of Love recap later tonight. Here's a little preview: New York's mom is a bitch on wheels (but at least she's not insane), Pumkin's mom has no idea what the fuck is going on, and Hoopz' mom is a Jerry Springer whore. That's all for now.

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Oscar nominee's gay affair?

From Gatecrasher:
Which unmarried Oscar nominee/heartthrob had an affair with a male wardrobe assistant on a recent project?

Um. What? Well, the full list of individual male Oscar nominees is after the jump; unmarried nominees are in bold font, unmarried heartthrobs are in red, bold font.

Philip Seymour Hoffman I think technically he is unmarried
Heath Ledger Technically unmarried
Terrence Howard Again, technically unmarried
Joaquin Phoenix
David Strathairn
George Clooney
Matt Dillon I'm pretty sure he's not married
Paul Giamatti - Did you know his dad used to be the president of Yale?
Jake Gyllenhaal
William Hurt

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