Wednesday, April 05, 2006

You're kidding me, right?

Providence is the new Orange County!

So, it looks like Seth and Summer are headed to Brown in the fall to join the class of 2010! Basically this fucking rocks my world to no fucking end. I'm so happy. It's too bad next season may very well be the last :(
[Just Jared]

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Eminem filed for divorce for a second time from his wife/hate muse, Kim. I honestly didn't expect this to happen so quickly, and not because I'm such a firm believer in the power of true love. It's all kind of sad I guess, but hopefully whatever went on in the Mathers household over the past three months will be fodder for another hit record.

Beyonce is leading the Save Whitney Campaign, probably by helping to reintroduce fried chicken into her diet.
[Female First]

Flavor Flav and New York have apparently hooked up since the end of Flavor of Love and are set to have their own reality television show documenting their quiet suburban life together. Alicia informed me that this was filed under "African-American News."
[Media Take Out]

If there is such a thing as midget activists, they are steaming mad at Britney Spears and Kevin Federline over their use of little people at Kevin's 28th birthday party in Vegas. Apparently there was a midget Sonny Bono and a drag queen Cher and some guests were shouting for a midget throwing contest. A spokesperson for a midget group said, "It is wicked to hurl abuse at anyone of diminished height simply because they are small." It's important to note that I don't quite clear 5 feet, and I'm really sensitive about my height. I was one of the shortest girls in junior high, and at graduation we wore blue gowns and I was wearing white shoes, so all the kids called me a smurf. I totally sympathize, but midgets totally freak me out. Tossing them around is wrong though.

What? Hines Ward is Korean! At a press conference in Seoul, the Pittsburgh Steelers' wide receiver tearfully apologized for rejecting his heritage in the past: "I apologize for being ashamed to say I was Korean." Awwww... he's getting free dry cleaning for life now.
[NFL News]

Paris Hilton continues to be the classiest person in town. Here are some of her comments on Nicole Richie from the latest issue of Elle:
"She cannot stand being around me because I get all the attention and people really don't care about her."

"I've been best friends with her since I was two, but when I brought her on to my show, she got very jealous and turned on me for no reason.

"It breaks my heart. She was my sister. She was the funniest person to be around and then she let the fame go to her head.

"She's not the same person any more. I never want to speak to her again - ever."

"They want to do it with just me, but we're both under contract together. She has nothing else so she really wants to do it, but I don't."

"It's really pathetic that she needs to use my name to sell something because she's obviously not enough."

I fucking hate Star Jones

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Monday, April 03, 2006

Flavor of Love Reunion

Well, I couldn't actually live blog the FOL reunion, but I recorded it and every second of it was so great that a recap just won't do. So if you missed it, I'll give you the play-by-play, and if you saw it already, this is a chance to experience it again while you're at work. Here we go!!

So apparently the only person they could get to host this thing was Lala. I kind of wish they could have pulled some strings and gotten Jerry Springer or Maury or something...I wonder how one goes about getting tickets to be in the live audience for these things. Do you have to know someone at VH1?

Anyway, Flavor comes out at the beginning handing out giant sunflowers to the audience and eyeballs Lala for a bit. They start out by bringing out the first 5 skanks that got voted off on the first night. They didn't even bother showing flashbacks with these girls; they sat them down and showed clips of the next set of girls (the ones who got voted off on episode 2). This includes a clip of Rain, who got into a screaming bitch fight with New York way at the beginning. I remember her seeming genuinely into Flavor, but I also remember her being totally crazy. Rain offers herself up to Flavor if things don't work out with Hoopz. Fat chance Rain.

Now onto the next few girls who got kicked off: Peaches, Serious, and Sweetie. YSerious was the "professional model" and Sweetie claimed she would have to know Flavor for 3 weeks before he could even get some over the sweater action. After she got kicked off the show, she inexplicably broke into a Jersey accent and called Flavor Flav retarded for kicking her off the show. Lala asks her if she still thinks Flavor is retarded and amazingly this bitch says yes. Even more amazing - Flavor agrees with her! He agrees with her because he got rid of her and kept Hottie. Not cool. Hottie should have stayed around until the very end. You don't throw a pair of DDs out on the street! Serious must be really hard up for a job because she continued trying to sell herself on tv, but still claims she was in it for Flavor and not fame because she is already a model and she doesn't need jobs, but she really needed a date. They should really get someone backstage to help them work on their stories. Sad. Red Oyster is up after the commercial!

The great thing about recording these things is you can skip the commercials!

Much, much more after the jump (more pictures on the way).

So now they are running all the clips of Red Oyster being a snitch. I loved Red Oyster though. She seemed to take great pleasure in other people's misfortune. I'm OK with that. We kind of all do a little bit, right? Anyway, Red Oyster comes out, of course dressed in full red, garnishing a whip. She tries to defend her actions, and the other girls start screaming at her for being a conniving bitch. Flavor is having none of it though. He gets up and defends Red Oyster for always letting him know the truth, because Flavor is just a stand up guy like that. Very noble. Rain gets really pissed though and I kind of think she needs to take chill pill. BUT WAIT!!! Lala has a secret about Red Oyster. OH MY GOD!!!! She is fucking married!!! What! She says she was married before the show. When Miss Latin (who got kicked off the show because Red Oyster ratted her out for talking to her ex-husband on the phone) finds out, she jumps up and tells Oyster she ugly. I guess I don't really get that. Flavor's reaction is pretty subdued. He wishes Red Oyster had been honest with him from the beginning, because he didn't want to find out this way, but he still has mad love for her. Awww.

Ok, now we're on to my favorite, HOTTIE! Oh God, how I've missed her! The clips really bring me back. I wonder where she gets those outfits! Not even the cheapest downtown Newark whore would never wear that stuff. Smiley is back too, but she was kind of boring; she is my MySpace friend though (thanks for the add!). Hottie looks like she lost a little weight, but thank God the double Ds are alive and kicking! Hottie does not have an intelligent thought in her head though. She is still spewing the same crap about how Flavor should have picked her because she would be the one best suited to help him "grow his business." Has no one told her that his business is being on reality tv so he can pay the mortage on his crackhouse in the Bronx? There are no red carpets in the Bronx. He probably can't even take her to a Yankees game. Those tickets are expensive! Anyway, Flavor seems to think Hottie sucks and tells her she doesn't have a brain and sings a little tune from the Wizard of Oz. Ouch!

Aww... Goldie is back. I kind of love her. She is hilarious and ghetto; the two qualities I value most in a woman. They flash back to one of the girls who got kicked off on the first episode, Cherry, who was especially put off by Hottie blowing chunks the first night after too much champagne. When Cherry got kicked off, she seemed pretty upset that Goldie and her "gallon of puke" got to stay and she got kicked off. Life's unfair sometimes. Flavor (and the rest of the audience and even the other skanks) seem excited to see Goldie. Cherry was less than pleased when Goldie called her out for being a bitch, and for reason she tries to start a fight on the stage. Security breaks it up before we get to see any hair pulling, unfortunately.

So guess what guys. New York is on your ass in five, four, three, two, mother fuckin' one! I'm shaking in anticipation.

Ok, recap quote of the night: "At least I look like a woman. I don't look like a transvestite with my dick tucked behind my ball sack." - Pumkin.

They show some other clips of Pumkin and New York fighting. Seems like they really didn't like each other. They have to bring them out separately so they don't beat each other down. New York comes out first. That bitch is still crazy as ever, she even has the same weave. Cherry is still running her mouth for some reason and New York almost smacks her into last week. They kick Cherry's dumb ass off the show. Who is she anyway?

We see the spit wad heard around the world again. I've seen that clip at least six or seven times and it gets better every time. Pumkin comes out and New York gives her a cold stare, then she tells Lala that since the incident, she has been on pause, but she is about to press play in a motherfuckin' millisecond. New York gives Pumkin a mini lecture on being classy and then attempts to bitch slap her! Pumkin runs away like a little bitch! Oh my God!

Lala is such a party pooper though. She goes to break just when things start to get heated. Now they each get 30 seconds to tell the other how they feel about one another, since I guess they've been holding back until now. Pumkin says what she needs to, including congratulating New York on completing her surgery and officially becoming a woman. New York doesn't say a word, but throws her podium to the side and rushes Pumkin. Pumkin runs away like a little bitch again! What's wrong with her?!

I'm getting tired of typing, so I'm going to wrap this up. They bring out Hoopz and ask for an update on their "relationship." Apparently they didn't last two seconds because Hoopz was "too busy," and they are just friends. Get ready for Flavor of Love 2!!!!
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