Saturday, June 17, 2006

Bad things happen when Elisabeth Hasselbeck is allowed to speak

Ok, so after this post I got really angry and wrote Elisabeth Hasselbeck a strongly worded letter, politely asking her to stop talking until she's able to make something coherent come out. I never actually sent the letter because I'm a total pussy, but now I see that was a huge mistake.

The producers on The View never got my request, so they let her keep talking and didn't even put a muzzle on her when Sandra Bernhard was on the show talking about how our government doesn't respect women's rights. Sandra Bernhard made a joke about Laura Bush being "heavily medicated" and that is when all hell broke loose until Star Jones convinced the cameras to focus on her again.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Alcohol solves all your problems

Remember Jewel? You know, guitar? Crooked teeth? Anyway, here is what she has to say about drinking:
"I didn't start drinking until I was 30," Jewel tells Blender. "I grew up singing for alcoholics, and it never really seemed like alcohol fixed anything. I was afraid that it would get me. Around 30, I kind of realized that alcohol really does solve all your problems. Whoever said drinking doesn't help lied. You live and you learn."

I'm glad someone besides me finally said it.
[Page Six]

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Celebrity Sighting!

Carolyn Y. Shin is my new idol. Now, she has done some pretty awesome shit in the past, like this, and not knowing what 1/2 of 2/3 is, but recent events have elevated her to superhero status in my eyes. What could she possibly have done to make her more awesome than when she did this, you ask? Well, Ms. Shin saw with her own two eyes, none other that P. Diddy - two days in a row!

The first time was on Monday while she was walking back to Central Park after going to the Whole Foods in Columbus Circle. Diddy was walking in the park (!?!?!?), talking on his cell phone, and was accompanied by a bodyguard who was wearing a Sean John t-shirt. The second time she saw him was yesterday, on her way to Museum Mile. He was in a Blue Bentley driving on 103rd Street (again, ?!?!?).

So, I officially crown Carolyn Celebrity Stalker of the Month, and my personal hero.

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