Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Lindsay Lohan admits bulimia & drug use

Sometimes miracles really happen in Hollywood.

By now we all know that Lindsay Lohan was admitted to a hospital on Monday after suffering a severe 'asthma' attack. It is, of course, debatable what she was actually hospitalized for and where her mysterious asthma came from. But in more interesting news, People magazine reports that when the new issue of Vanity Fair hits newsstands today, we will all be treated to far more intriguing news about Lindsay.

According to People, Vanity Fair does an interview with Lohan and she reveals that she has struggled with bulimia and touches on the issue of her drug use. She also discusses her personal relationships; with her parents, Wilmer Valderrama, and Jared Leto.

I really have to hand it to Lindsay for going on the record with her problems and being pretty upfront about it. That takes balls.

Read more from after the jump.

UPDATE: So, I tried to find the new Vanity Fair today and didn't see it anywhere, and just now on Entertainment Tonight they said the issue would be out next Tuesday, so maybe it did not come out today.

While Lindsay Lohan, admitted to a Miami hospital Monday night after suffering a severe asthma attack, is now "resting comfortably," a source close to the actress tells PEOPLE, an explosive interview with the Mean Girls star is set to hit newsstands Wednesday, lifting the curtain on her self-confessed bulimia, drug use and emotional wreckage over her relationships with her volatile father and her first boyfriend, Wilmer Valderrama.

"I was sick," Lohan, 19, admits to Vanity Fair magazine, according to excerpts published in the New York Post. "I had people sit me down and say, 'You're going to die if you don't take care of yourself.'"

In solving her bulimia, she credits Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels with staging an intervention after she hosted the show. "I just started bawling. I knew I had a problem, and I couldn't admit it," Lohan says. "I saw that SNL after I did it. My arms were disgusting. I had no arms."

Of her look, which she says scared her when she saw photos of herself: "My sister, she was scared. My brother called me, crying."

She also says that she used drugs "a little," then quickly adds: "I've gotten that out of my system. ... I don't want people to think that I've done ... you know what I mean? It's kind of a sore subject."

The Post reports that Vanity Fair was contacted by Lohan's publicist to try to have the references to drug use removed from the story.

In her romantic life, she confesses to smothering Valderrama and pushing their relationship to the brink, because "I didn't have anyone (else) to go to" with all her problems, including those with her father, currently serving jail time for assault on a family member.

Regarding reports of a relationship with Jared Leto, all she tells Vanity Fair is, "We're great friends."


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