Saturday, March 11, 2006

Paris Hilton, Hollywood persona non grata

I don't know if you've been paying attention lately, but Paris Hilton has been getting snubbed by Hollywood elite pretty frequently as of late. There was that weird story about her being snubbed by someone at Elton John's (I think it was his) Oscar Party. I can't remember where I saw this story, and I'll post a link to it if I find it, but basically she wanted to get some face time with someone in the Hollywood elite and they did not want to talk to her. Paris retaliated by taking a bite out of several hors d'oeuvres and then putting them back on the tray.

Then there is the fact that she and her family were banned from the Vanity Fair Oscar party just because they are undesirable. I see where Graydon Carter is coming from, but was it really necessary to say, "The only Hilton we'll allow in is Conrad Hilton, in an urn." Ouch.

Now Page Six reports Paris may be banned from Elton John's future Oscar parties because she did not pay the suggested donation of $2,500 guests pay to attend the party (technically it is a benefit gala for The Elton John AIDS Foundation).

But the biggest blow of all - UsWeekly won't run stories on her in the magazine. Since Paris Hilton is famous simply for being famous and doing retarded things while being famous, UsWeekly can kind of make or break her, so this seems like a pretty big deal.

The Page Six story quotes a source saying, "She even got into a huge fight with Stavros [Niarchos] at their Oscar party, and they didn't put it in the magazine," sniffed another source. "It's all for show and to get press anyway. And she doesn't sell. They will run pictures of her, but that's about it."

Sucks to be Paris Hilton.

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Celebrity Sighting

My celebrity stalker friend, Max Power has come out of an extended stalking hiatus and reports the following:
Proving that walking over the Brooklyn Bridge is much more enjoyable
when you are not fetching cheesecake for P. Diddy at 2am....Max Power spotted Dylan and his stripped down posse (only two in attendance) strolling over the Brooklyn Bridge this past Saturday. Dylan, easily the most interesting character on Makin' the Band (for reasons too numerous to list here) was narrating as one of his boys videotaped the festivities. Incredibly, Dylan was able to make it over the entire
bridge without getting into a fistfight. Truly remarkable - thus, the studio remained open for the time being.

Max Power would like to state, for the record, this was his most exciting celebrity sighting to date. As an avid fan of Makin' the Band II (remember, Makin' the Band I was ended prematurely due to numerous legal problems [mostly related to outstanding warrants and parole violations], gruesome murders and lack of talent), this was an incredible event.

I mean, Max actually came face to face with one of the characters from a show that was one of the greatest human/sociological spectacles he has ever witnessed. The studio is closed until further notice. Peace.

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

More evidence that Britney is pregnant?

Lots of posts today. I guess I'm sort of in the zone bored. Anyway, you know I'm totally freaking out because Britney might be pregnant with Kevin Federline's fourth child. Well, I remembered a few months ago posting a story about a psychic telling Britney that she would be pregnant again six months after giving birth to Sean P. Oh shit! Well, Sean was born in September, so you do the math.

Previous post: [Kevin Federline, science success story]

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Hottie update

This is from a press release on Hottie's webiste. I guess these are supposed to be fan comments or testimonials or something, but they are mostly pure comedy:
Hear what people are saying:

"You've inspired me to seek my own greatness."
Comments from viewer who saw Schatar in the VH1 commercial.

"Can you help me put together a package for my agency?"
[A]sks a successful business owner.

"After seeing Schatar perform, I have to take my husband home and put him under the shower!"
Statement by an 84 year old senior at CareFree facility where Schatar donated her time.

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LB's Kristin is too busy for UPN

Kristin from Laguna Beach sure has been busy lately. First, she was Nick Lachey's replacement blond of the week, and now, she has her very own MySpace page. On her blog, she lets us all in on the real reason her UPN show, "Get This Party Started" was canceled, and you already know it's definitely not because no one watched it:

My show Get This Party Started i cancelled it because i decided that i was going to be in a couple episodes of laguna beach

I think that this is kind of a good idea but at the sametime i dont i cancelled t because i want to star in a couple of episodes of lb with some old season 2 friends like jess and alex m alex h is still going to be in college so u wont probably see her in season 3 but i cancelled the show because has i sed i was doing lb3 and my schudelue with that and get this... was getting to hacked but after were done filming the show in like april get this party started mite be back on air and believe me its not going to be on the same nite of lb lol

This girl is some kind of genius.

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Meet Paris Hilton, pop star

OMG! Gaah! (I'm pretty sure this is my new official slogan.) Paris Hilton's looooong awaited album is coming to stores this June, and I know you don't need me to assure you that the album's content will be high quality, original pop music. Here is the track listing, according to Oh no they didn't!:
1.) Turn it Up
2.) Turn You On
3.) Stars Are Blind
4.) Jealousy
5.) Heartbeat
6.) Fightin' Over Me (f/ Fat Joe and Jadakiss)
7.) Are You With It?
9.) Do You Think I'm Sexy?
9.) Screwed
10.) Not Leaving Without You

Yes, believe it or not, Paris Hilton has songs called "Jealousy" and "Fightin' Over Me."

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Pete Wentz is the new Paris Hilton

Yesterday some, uh, private photos emerged of Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz. The pictures were taken on his sidekick, which someone hacked into it and spread all over the internet. I undertsand how he could have not seen this coming. It just seems so unlikely that something like this would happen to a celebrity.

Anyway, here is a statement Pete supposedly released yesterday:
so as some of you obviously know someone hacked into my sidekick and took pictures off of it. this was very upsetting and a total invasion of privacy. i can't explain to you how it feels. whats even more absurd to me is that anyone would care to see a couple of racy pictures of some shitty, dirty boy. after feeling badly about this for about 24 hours, i am now ready to get back to laughing.

its been a tough couple of weeks for me lately. the only good thing about times of adversity is that you realize who your real friends and fans are- and the rest go away- which in my mind is an ok thing. i just wanted to take the time to thank the people who continually stand by my side- a special thanks to and mikey way for being amazing.

the moral of the story: if you really dont want pictures of yourself to end up on the internet. dont take the pictures.

now please return to the shittalking at whatever messageboard you are at.

OMG! gaah. i forgot the most important part - how the fuck did santino not win? santino > pete wentz - for sure - thought i could have understood if daniel won, but her? blah.

now you can really go back.

posted by: pete
[via PITNB]

Now, I was totally with him until, "OMG! Gaah." Way to make it worse for yourself, Pete.

I have the absolutely NOT SAFE FOR WORK pics after the jump.

OMG! Gaah!

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Vivica A Fox's deflated boob

Still a lot better than Tara Reid's grotesque nipple.

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Project Runway

Aren't you kind of bummed that Chloe won Project Runway? She is talented and nice and all, but I feel like the judges should have taken into account that Chloe already has her own line and Daniel would have benifited more from winning. I guess I'm glad Chloe won, since she's a hard worker and her clothes looked good every week, but man, I was rooting for Daniel. I even felt kind of bad for Santino in the end. He looked like he was on the verge of breaking down when they called his name. I suppose he's actually human.
{Image Source}

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Not just a celebrity sighting, an actual celebrity interaction

So, you know how Brad Renfro started serving his 10-day jail sentence for drunk driving? Well, way back before he was a convicted felon, my friend Sarah had a little run-in with Brad and Ethan Embry at a bar, which ended in their hotel room. It's totally G rated, but still an awesome, genuine celebrity interaction:
This is a little after-the-fact, but in mid-December my friend and I were at Joshua Tree on a Friday night when some guy fixed the sleeve slipping off my friend’s shoulder as she walked through the bar. Not paying attention to who it was, she said thanks and went on her merry way. Later the guy and his friend struck up a conversation with my friend, and she slowly realized that it was none other than Brad Renfro and Ethan Embry, picking up girls together in midtown. Of course she immediately went to find me and, being the true stalker that I am, I ditched the random guy I was talking to and sprinted to hang out with them. They invited us back to Brad's hotel, where he proceeded to strum on his guitar until hotel staff came a-knocking. Unfortunately his abundant supply of Grey Goose has blurred the name of his hotel in my memory...but it looked like pretty standard hotel accommodations to me. Brad wanted some coke bad, but managed to just say no for the night. Not for much longer though...his heroine bust in LA came just a few days later.

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Does Britney look pregnant to you?

Oh sweet Lord!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooo!!!! Please tell me my eyes deceive me. Tell me Britney Spears does not look several months pregnant here! More (*sniff*) pics (*sniff*) after the (*sniff sniff*) jump. Shoot me.

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Monday, March 06, 2006

Hottie is a world class actor and scholar

I love those girls on Flavor of Love. Each one is so special. The Flavor of Love unofficial blog has a link to Hottie's acting credits. First of all, they're quite extensive and, at times, even impressive. Secondly, under Education and Training it says, "Ivy League Bachelor of Arts: University of Pennsylvania." I guess it's possible, but she is a pathological liar. Also, her self-reported weight is 125 pounds. My guess is she weighs at least 150. Here are some other claims she makes on her website:

- Schatar is a descendant of royalty and is of Multi-Cultural Heritage. One of her great grandfathers was John McNeil - a well-known Scottish-Irish physician, who is in history books. He was physician to the royal family in Madagascar and married one of the royal family. They had a daughter named Martha McNeil who came over to the United States with her name.
- Schatar is passionate about quarter mile car racing.
- Schatar has a powerful singing voice that can make crystal vibrate and has over a five octave vocal range!
- Schatar was a lifetime Girl Scout and former assistant troop leader.
There is so much more here.

I looked her ass up on IMDB, though guys, and this long list, somehow got chopped down to three items. Hmm.... Also, her last name somehow changed to White from Taylor. That's super shady.

Anyone out there who went to Penn? Can you look her up on your alumni directory or something? Let's at least confirm one of her claims (although you can pretty much bet money on her weight being at least 20-30 pounds north of 125.

UPDATE: Well, she may have gone to Penn, but she definitely went to the Georgetown Day School, which I'm sure is a very nice prep school. Her parents must be pleased with what their investment has given them.
[GDS] Her item is towards the bottom.

UPDATE: It's also true that she sang at the National Theater. I guess she is not full of bullshit, and is actually quite accomplished. Now, the questions that begs to be asked: What the fuck happened to her crazy ass? She's definitely packed on some pounds since her glory days. She has also gone totally batshit crazy and wanted to get with Flavor Flav for his money.

UPDATE: She performed at the Kennedy Center too. Just do a google search for "schatar white" and you will be amazed by the heights she has fallen from.

UPDATE: I swear this is the last update, but I have to share. I'm not sure how I missed this, since I read Dlisted every day and I love his Flavor of Love-related stuff, but Dlisted actually interviewd Hottie. Check this shit out. Hottie is a piece of work!

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Check out Kevin Federline's man boobs

What's it like to be Lindsay Lohan an a typical Saturday night?

Let's talk about this picture (or I guess since we can't actually talk through my blog, I will talk about this picture and you can reflect on my comments). Of course America's next Tara Reid is the star of the show here, but there is so much more. If I had Photoshop, I'd circle this shit for you, but you're going to have to find these items yourself.

First, there is the bong. All that means is she was getting high.

Then there's the Blackberry on the coffee table. Was she sending an email to her manager while she was high? That is very responsible of her. She obviously takes her career very seriously.

Next there is the box of Parliaments. Those are classy smokes. She doesn't prefer Newports like KFed, and that says something.

Ok, now we'll move on to that poor dog in between the redhead and the blond. That dog looks high.

Uh, the green plastic couch (or maybe it's a green tablecloth acting as a slipcover)? It's better than smoking Newports, but not that much better.

And finally, what the hell is that girl on the left pulling out of that other girl's ass? Whatever it is, they both seem pretty ok with it, so I guess it's cool.

I think this picture really gives us fans a good look at Lindsay's world. I enjoyed the tour. The best part is it was free. Better than Napa. No bongs on those tours.

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Last week in Britney

Let's talk about Britney Spears for a moment. I miss her like no other. I am sitting here right know praying to God that she is not pregnant and is serious about her musical comeback. I will be the first in line to buy her new album. Love ya Britney!

Anyway, what the fuck is going on with her? She looks like shit (the kind of shit you have when you eat spicy food; you know like runny - not a good, solid one) and she continues to tolerate her piece of toxic refuse husband, Kevin Federline, despite the fact that he was running around with some French bimbo while she was in Hawaii vacationing/working on her next album (although looks like after seeing all that, she ordered his ass over to Hawaii so she could keep an eye on him). And honestly, we can all afford better weaves than this (and we can also all afford to not wear the same outfit in the same week). Shameful!

What's her deal? What's going on? Do you think she is pregnant or just fat? An "expert" in UsWeekly says that based on where she is carrying the belly bulge, it just looks like fat, and not another Federline fetus. Jesus! That would make 4 babies for this motherfucker! My parents only have two kids and they're old! And they have real jobs! Anyway, I don't know how much longer I can sit by and watch Britney spiral further out of control. I'm going to round up a posse and head over the K-Fed studio and beat his braids in with a baseball bat. I'd go to jail for Britney. If she made another hit like "Slave 4 U," I would do anything for Britney.

UPDATE: Ok, so upon further inspection of those pics, I think that was a wig, not a weave, she bought in the middle of her walk to be funny or something. But still, she has been rocking some bad weaves, and I would not put it past her to pull on some dirty clothes out of the hamper.

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Flavor of Love toys with our emotions

So, what did you think of the Oscars? Don't judge me too much, but I really don't care about the Oscars. Of all the Academy Awards, it appeals to me the least, probably because it's the most serious, which I find hard to reconcile since I don't take Hollywood very seriously at all, no matter the caliber of the actor. So, last night I was flipping in between The Oscars and Bad Boys II. Sue me.

After watching the Oscars/Bad Boys II, I remembered I had DVR'ed Sunday's episode of Flavor of Love. UNFORTUNATELY it was not the final episode. It was one of those fucking annoying retrospectives. Cheap VH1 assholes! Anyway, I'll admit it was sort of entertaining to look back at all the quality women who have come through La Maison de Flavor. Remember that crazy bitch Hottie and when she told the other girls they were jealous of her because she looks like Beyonce? Good times. There was a little bit of extra footage that didn't make the show, like Pumkin calling New York a trannie on more than one occasion. Alas, no shots of New York adjusting her hidden package. Bummer!

The extra footage also made it abundantly clear that New York is not in her right mind. I mean, I really think she has fallen creepily head over heels for Flavor Flav, and she also seems to be convinced that she is fucking drop dead gorgeous ("and everybody knows this"). Anyway, this episode was nothing but a tease, and I know we are all looking forward to the finale (next week?) when we find out who will win the grand prize of Flavor's love and great fortune.

As for the Oscars, I thought Michelle Williams' dress was really pretty, but her hair and red lipstick were not, Charlize Theron's gigantic bow magnified what was wrong with her Golden Globes dress, Resse looked amazing, but her speech was too rehersed for me, I'll never understand why the Academy invites Jennifer Lopez, and this was obviously the year of the black man since Slim Thug Three 6 Mafia (I can't keep them straight!) won an Oscar and had by far the greatest performance (although worst most incomprehensible acceptance speech - I guess they genuinely didn't expect that shit) in recent Oscar history.

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