Saturday, March 04, 2006

Celebrity Sighting X3!!!

My life is boring. I never, ever see the famous people I spend so much time reading and writing about. I'm not exactly sure what I need to do to start brushing shoulders with Hollywood's glitterati, but some of my friends do (thank God!), and Alicia had the most amazing multiple celebrity sighting recently with potentially more celebrities in the immediate vicinity:
Last night, we went to the Back Room, which is in the Lower East Side and owned by Tim Robbins. It is located at the back of some scary alley, but inside its a nice swank, "speakeasy" where they serve cocktails out of tea cups and beer from paper bags (which I guess is what they did during prohibition?).

Anyway the important part is that around 12:30 or so, a group of us are sitting at the back of the bar. Our table is next to a bookshelf that is really a door that opens into the "secret" VIP room. VIP= famous people. Last night, going in or out of the secret room I personally, with my own eyes saw: Julia Stiles (really short in person); Tim Robbins (freakishly tall in person) and Don Cheadle!!! I know it's not very "New York" but I get so excited when I see a famous person.

The bouncer, who sort of stalked us all night long, claimed that Kirsten Dunst and Joaquin Phoenix were also back there, but Patrick and I think he might have been confused.... Bouncer also says that Tim and his famous peeps usually come every Thursday. Looks like I have a new Thursday bar.

Hmm...on Thursday night I was having too many margaritas on the Upper West Side with zero celebrities (but one awesome law student).


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