Monday, March 06, 2006

What's it like to be Lindsay Lohan an a typical Saturday night?

Let's talk about this picture (or I guess since we can't actually talk through my blog, I will talk about this picture and you can reflect on my comments). Of course America's next Tara Reid is the star of the show here, but there is so much more. If I had Photoshop, I'd circle this shit for you, but you're going to have to find these items yourself.

First, there is the bong. All that means is she was getting high.

Then there's the Blackberry on the coffee table. Was she sending an email to her manager while she was high? That is very responsible of her. She obviously takes her career very seriously.

Next there is the box of Parliaments. Those are classy smokes. She doesn't prefer Newports like KFed, and that says something.

Ok, now we'll move on to that poor dog in between the redhead and the blond. That dog looks high.

Uh, the green plastic couch (or maybe it's a green tablecloth acting as a slipcover)? It's better than smoking Newports, but not that much better.

And finally, what the hell is that girl on the left pulling out of that other girl's ass? Whatever it is, they both seem pretty ok with it, so I guess it's cool.

I think this picture really gives us fans a good look at Lindsay's world. I enjoyed the tour. The best part is it was free. Better than Napa. No bongs on those tours.


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