Friday, December 30, 2005

Kevin Federline will get your New Year's party started

What are you doing for New Year's? Want a guaranteed way to make it like 10x more exciting? Make sure to go to right before midnight, and when the ball drops, crank up your laptop full blast and start 2006 to what will surely be the most awesomely pathetic rap album of the year, Kevin Federline's very first single, "Popo Zao," which roughly translates from Wigger to English as "My sperm is worth more than gold."

Also be sure to look out on Wall Street later next year when shares of Kevin's sperm start trading on the stock market (get it before Time Warner buys him out!).
[Kfed Online]

P.S. I think it's important to keep in mind that making this album cost about $1 million of Britney Spears' money. Remember back in '99 when you bought her "...Baby One More Time" album? This is where your money went. You paid for this. It's your fault.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is wigger?

January 08, 2006 4:09 PM  

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