Monday, June 26, 2006

Where in the world?

Seriously. Where are Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes? No pictures of them out and about have surfaced in weeks, and we still have not seen even one shot of their "baby." How come the paparazzi can't find her all of a sudden? Where is she hiding? Or maybe we're supposed to believe she has not left the house because she's been too busy being a "mother?" How come we saw pictures of her shopping for shoes when she was like 48 weeks pregnant and now all of a sudden she can't leave the house? Seriously. Where are Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise? How come when it comes to these two I always have so many questions???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

they have to wait b/c the baby is actually like 5 months old already and it would totally blow their cover to expose her to the world now. they are freaks. and you almost became one of them.

June 28, 2006 7:45 PM  

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