Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Real World/Road Rules Challenge

If you know anything about me, you don't need to ask if I have been keeping up with this season of RW/RR Challenge. This shit is some of the greatest programming on television, period. A bunch of aging reality stars who peaked at like 22 and since then have refused to to ever engage in actual work at a real job, opting instead to embark on these yearly "missions" in the hope of winning however much prize money is up for grabs or at least enjoying a nice vacation with a bunch of horney, drunk people.

ANYWAY, this season there was twist and now instead of former RW and RR cast members battling each other, they are each paired with a regular Joe/Jane Schmoe. Unfortunately this twist kind of sucks because all that happened is there is half the drama. These new kids are boring and no one gives a fuck about them. Thankfully, there are two couples on the show, both from RW Austin - Danny & Melinda and Wes & Johanna. You may recall how I feel about these geniuses.

So basically the four of them decided to form an alliance, but that did not work out for them. In my opinion, their alliance could have worked, but ultimately backfired because they (a) were too obvious about it, i.e. Wes telling people not to vote for his friends just because they're too cool to go home (b) were not good competitors and kept losing (c) did not realize that everyone else on the show are friends with each other and have their own friendship alliances (d) were all obnoxious and whiney about not wanting to get separated from their better half. Not to mention the fact that they are all missing a chromosome.

To make a long story short, Danny and Melinda were the first people voted off, and on last night's episode both Wes and Johanna's teams DQ'ed during the competition and were in danger of being nominated. So, obviously the show focused mostly on their relationship. Now, I think I can objectively say that Wes and Johanna defy all kinds of natural laws by being together. Wes is dumb beyond belief, ignorant, ugly, arrogant plus he is an asshole and talks too much. He also has the world's most pathetic mohawk and his head is shaped like a square. Now, Johanna is not necessarily anything to write home about, but she's pretty hot and seems to be able to read above a 3rd grade level. So how is it that Wes feels like to can tell anyone in earshot that Johanna is stupid and not a good competitor? I have to blame that on the missing chromosome.

Anyway, next week his team and Johanna's team are going into the Inferno or whatever. I hope the challenge is how fast a nasty mohawk can be shaved off.


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