Sunday, February 12, 2006

Clay Aiken's gay scandal: BLIZZARD EDITION

So, um, yeah, let's talk about Clay Aiken's gay scandal. Actually first let's talk about how this blizzard has affected Sunday morning programming. I love Sunday. I get to wake up at 11:30, eat yummy bagels and drink yummy coffee and be totally lazy. The other great thing about Sunday is The McLaughlin Group, which is by far the best Sunday morning news show. So today, because the local news feels compelled to offer us constant live coverage of the snow falling on the ground, they have pushed back the normal programming schedule on NBC. Meet the Press is supposed to be on at 11:00, followed by some bullshit NBC special on child protective services or something. What about the McLaughlin Group? I noticed that Fox is still showing its Sunday programs. Why do the weather fanatics get to win today? Ok, so apparently there is 22.8 inches of snow in Central Park, and apparently that is the 2nd highest amount in NYC history, but seriously, I look forward t John McLaughlin all week. I know it's snowing. I don't need a live shot from the Garden State Parkway. Oh, wait, apparently the McLaughlin Group will be on after the child abuse story. I flipped out for nothing.

Ok, so let's talk about how Clay Aiken likes to anally penetrate other men. I'm sure you've heard about his Army lover man coming forward about their relationship. Perhaps you've even heard about the screen name he used on the gay website - "valleyprettyboy" (LOL!), or maybe you even heard something about the death threats Clay's fans have sent to John Paulus, the man who outed Clay. Well, you can click the embarrassment level up a couple notches, because according to a NY Daily News report
John Paulus, the gay guy who ratted Clay Aiken out to The National Enquirer after an alleged online hookup, hit town this week for interviews and added a whole new dimension to the scandal. He's, like, 300 years older than his online picture! Poor Clay: Worst. Internet. Date. Ever.

I never really undrestood why some celebrities won't come out of the closet. Hollywood LOVES gays. It's so good for your career! It's not like Clay is a rapper ot a football player or something. Someone get this man a PR agent.

[Gatecrasher - there's also a blind item at the bottom of the page, that might be worth thinking over.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fanwars between the Idols never ends. Clay outsold Kelly, Ruben, Fantasia and all of the rest. Kelly is doing well now but Clay's sophomore CD is about to be launched. Some people desperately want him to lose his fans before he can eclipse the winners again. The misconception is that all of his fans are homophobic christian old ladies. This strategy might have worked if it were true. The reality is that they have bonded even closer if that is possible. Clay started out as the one that was robbed of the title, if he is attacked the fans just get more protective. I have been to some of the fansites. The majority is female but not all by any means. The men have their own site and there are plenty of them. The fans aren't buying this story at all.
Don't try to label me as juvenile. I'm a lot more familiar with him than any of you. This alleged encounter never happened and all of the speculation in the world won't prove it. There is no smoking gun. Clay might be gay and he might not. That isn't the issue. Follow the money. Who has a dog in this hunt? Paulus, Perez, Lucas and any other anonymous guy that jumps on the bandwagon saying, "Me, too." Let's not forget the militant gays that "out" stars for sport and the bloggers and gossip writers that make money on hits. Perez has profited from this story. Paulus is a willing patsy that gets a new car, a trip to NY and a porn career out of it so far. He is the weapon to try to bring Clay down but Clay's sexuality is not the main focus, it's the fans. Someone wants him to lose his fans. Paulus's story is so inconsistant and full of holes that he should be embarrassed. Acting is not his strong suit so it's a good thing it isn't required in the porn industry.

April 16, 2006 2:16 PM  

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