Monday, January 23, 2006

When will it end, Britney?

Britney: Hey Bryan, what are you up to today?
Bryan: You know I'm never up to shit. I'm Britney Spears' brother. I sit at home all day smoking cigarettes.
Britney: Der, I forgot. Anyway, Kevin is out recording his rap album because that's his job now. He'll probably be there for like at least half an hour. Want to take a ride in his Ferrari that I paid for?
Bryan: Well, Jerry Springer is about to come on, but I'll go if you pay me $1,000.
Britney: I'll pick you up in five minutes.
Five minutes later.
Britney: Isn't this great Bryan? This car sure is nice! Now I see why Kevin loves it more than he loves me and his three kids.
Bryan: So, when do I get my money?
Britney: What the fuck? Why is the car stalling? I just gave Kevin $10,000 to take it into the shop.
Bryan: That motherfucker took your money.
Britney: God damn. Not again! Oh shit, here come the fucking parazzi. I'm going to call Kevin to come and rescue us.
Ring ring!
Kevin: Hello?
Britney: Hey, it's me.
Kevin: Tiffany?
Britney: No
Kevin: Jessica?
Britney: No
Kevin: Shoquonda?
Britney: No motherfucker, it's your wife.
Kevin: Oh! What's crackin' sugar mama?!
Britney: I was driving to the gas station to buy some more Cheetos and Newports, and your Ferrari broke down.
Kevin: Oh, snap! Is she ok, I mean, are you ok?
Britney: Yeah, I'm fine. Can you come get me?
Kevin: Yeah, wow, you know, I'd really like to, but I really need to make the rap album America has been waiting to hear. Plus I'm in the middle of having sex with a prostitute right now, and I already paid her so....
Britney: Oh Kevin, I love you.
Kevin: Right back at you. Oh, by the way, my checking account is looking a little low, could you hook a brother up?
Britney: You know I can't say no to you even though you're a worthless piece of shit.
Kevin: You're the best Britney!
Britney: Well, Bryan, Kevin is busy doing some really important stuff, so we're just going to have to get those Mexican paparazzi guys to help us out, then we can hitch a ride with the cops. Louisina style!
Bryan: Ok, cool. As long as I don't have to actually do anything. Also, do I still get my $1,000?

More pics after the jump.

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