Thursday, January 19, 2006

Odds not good for Team Aniston

So I guess if you haven't already, it's time to pick teams - both for the Super Bowl and for the Jolie-Aniston Bowl. I guess the odds are with Angelina Jolie at this point. She's given Brad Pitt three babies faster than Jennifer Aniston could have given him a cold, she's super hot, and she spends her free time saving third world countries.

On the other hand, Jennifer Aniston found out about Angelina's pregnancy through the tabloids, made a series of bad movies, and is dating a large, B-list celebrity who might be on the verge of breaking up with her. Apparently Jennifer is so distraught from all the good news coming from Brad an Angelina that's she's been going a little nutty and Vince Vaughn can't handle it.

So I'm going to go ahead and pick Team Jolie because I usually like to pick the obvious winner (I also pick the Steelers & Seahawks this week).

[National Ledger]
{Picture Source}


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