Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Study hard kids!

This doesn't have anything to do with celebrity gossip, and if you're not from New York or have never lived in New York, you might not appreciate this, but I have to post this.

In case you don't know, New York is a rough city to grow up in. Besides having to constantly dodge stray bullets and avoid being falsely identified as a robbery suspect by the cops and subsequently arrested, beaten or shot by them, you also have to go through this awful period in middle school when you apply for specialized public high schools. One of New York's most prestigious public high schools is Stuyvesant (it's probably only rivaled by Hunter College High School).

When I was in the 8th grade, I took the ridiculously hard entrance exam for the school after studying for weeks. I didn't get in (I missed it by 5 effing points!). The day I got my results, I cried in gym class in the middle of a volleyball game (I'm getting a little misty just thinking about it). The reason I rehash this painful story is because of an item I read on Gothamist today.

Gothamist (who did get into Stuyvesant - or at least the editor who posted this did) had an excerpt from an article in New York Magazine about Stuyvesant's "cuddle puddle."
Forget Henrietta Hudson-- the new lesbian hotspot is the second floor of Stuyvesant High School during 10th period (after 3pm.) Of course, that's only if you believe the slightly tittilating cover article in this week's New York Magazine:

Alair is headed for the section of the second-floor hallway where her friends gather every day during their free tenth period for the "cuddle puddle," as she calls it. There are girls petting girls and girls petting guys and guys petting guys. She dives into the undulating heap of backpacks and blue jeans and emerges between her two best friends, Jane and Elle, whose names have been changed at their request. They are all 16, juniors at Stuyvesant. Alair slips into Jane's lap, and Elle reclines next to them, watching, cat-eyed. All three have hooked up with each other. All three have hooked up with boys - sometimes the same boys. But it's not that they're gay or bisexual, not exactly. Not always.
If I had known this is what 10th period is like at Stuy, I would have studied harder for that effing test. I spent 10th period in Math Team.


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